What is bloating caused by, and what can I do to avoid it?Updated 25 days ago
What is bloating caused by, and what can I do to avoid it?
Although gas bloating is uncomfortable, there are several strategies to alleviate the problem. Physical activity, nutritional supplements, massage, and dietary adjustments may attain fast relief from bloating.
A sense of fullness, pressure, or tightness in the belly is the primary indicator that you may have a bloated stomach. A bloated stomach is not always apparent with this symptom. The intensity of the sensation varies from person to person. Although it often clears up, it may be a persistent issue for some individuals. Digestive problems or hormonal shifts might cause periodic bloating. Seek medical attention to identify the source of your stomach swelling if it persists.
3 Main causes
Too much intestinal gas indicates improper digestion. Gases may be ingested by swallowing air or drinking carbonated drinks, but they exit by belching before reaching the intestines. Gut bacteria ferment carbohydrates to generate intestinal gas.
If there’s too much fermentation, too many carbs aren’t digested before reaching gut bacteria. Several things might cause it. Maybe you ate too rapidly for digestion. You may have a food allergy or GI condition. Some causes:
Solids, liquids, and gases are examples. When your digestive tract is backed up or restricted, or if the muscles that transport digestive contents are compromised, digestive contents may pile up. Any buildup of digestive materials throughout the digestive canal reduces gas flow. It also makes your abdominal fluids and fat feel tighter. This includes:
Your stomach bloating may follow your menstrual cycle, not your digestion cycle. No worries. As many as 3 in 4 women have menstruation bloating. During perimenopause, bloating is also frequent. Female hormones may influence fluids, gas, digestive backup, and bloating sensitivity.
Estrogen induces fluid retention. When estrogen and progesterone rise, fluid retention occurs. This, along with the enlarged uterus before menstruation, may cause bloating. Hormones also affect digestion. Estrogen and progesterone impede or hasten intestinal motility, causing gas. Estrogen receptors in the GI tract influence visceral sensitivity (bloating).
3 solutions
Gas relief capsules
Anti-gas medications like simethicone tablets or liquid might help expel extra air from the digestive system. Never change the dosage of a drug without first checking with your doctor.
Use essential oils
In 2016, researchers examined the efficacy of a supplement comprising a blend of fennel and curcumin essential oil in treating mild to moderate IBS in 116 participants. Those with IBS saw a reduction in bloating and stomach discomfort after 30 days.
Essential oils are not safe for human consumption unless a medical professional approves. This is due to the lack of control of doses, which means that specific chemicals may be dangerous or interact with medicine.
Increase your daily activity.
Physical activity has been shown to improve bowel regularity by stimulating the expulsion of gas and stool from the colon. Sweating off the additional salt the body stores during exercise is another way in which it might aid with fluid retention.
Constipation may be relieved by drinking enough fluids before, during, and after exercise.